The European Timber Trade Federation represents the timber importers, distributors, traders and non-importing merchants interests’ across Europe.
The ETTF operates on a united base, representing and lobbying on behalf of the trade to national level and EU-authorities as well as key decision makers.
ETTF also engages with environmental and other NGOs and provides a discussion and networking forum for the EU timber trade on key issues, from legislation and the environment, to sustainable timber promotion and best practice. In total, ETTF today has 15 member federations.
Created in 1958, the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry is a Brussels-based non-profit association representing the interests of the EU sawmilling sector on EU and International level.
The goal is to further strengthen the interests of the EU sawmilling sector and to this end, it aims to influence EU policy-making. It is the main body representing the interests of the sawmill industry. In total, EOS today has 12 member federations, which are responsible for about 80% of the European production of sawnwood.
The European Sawmill Industry comprises around 35,000 enterprises which employ around 250,000 people. Most of these are microenterprises with 1-9 full time employees – FTEs, while large enterprises (>250 FTEs) are not many, but play an important role. The sector has a total production value of more than EUR 36 billion.
The Association of the Austrian Wood Industries represents the interests of almost 1,300 wood processing companies in the timber construction products, furniture, panel, sawmill and ski industries. With about 28,000 employees, the wood industry generates products worth 10.43 billion euros and a foreign trade surplus of 1.62 billion euros. Within the wood value chain, the wood industry is a key sector and the starting point for many other uses for wood. More than 300,000 people are employed along the wood value chain.
Fachverband der Holzindustrie Österreichs
Responsible local organizer: Rainer Handl
Schwarzenbergplatz 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria
T +43 1 712 26 01-0
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